The Beginning
it's actually 4/18 today and I've finally (sort of) got the internet up and
working in my house. I've had access to internet before but never got
around to this. I have some journals loaded ready to upload! ! So here's my first post in 4/18, talking about a post written on 3/31, talking about my time from 3/17....Here we go!
First off, this is all being written in hindsight. I’ve got one journal entry from 3/26, but
nothing else written before then. This
honestly feels like it’s destined to go the same path as my last blog…but we’ll
see how it goes!
So today is 3/31, and to be honest, it’s been a bit of a blur
getting here. I arrived in Japan on
3/17, began training from 3/18 – 3/22, went to Morioka (the main city which my
branch operates out of) from 3/23 – 3/25.
On 3/26 I moved into my new house, and got sick almost immediately, I’m
still fighting the last traces of the cold. While it is minor, coupled with the
constant cold around me, has been enough to effectively put me out of action
for pretty much my first week.
I guess to start off, why am I doing this? Besides my half-heritage,
and a pretty close following of Naruto since Middle School I’ve never really
had a huge interest in Japan growing up.
However, a series of events led to me being in the most rural area I’ve
ever been in my life in the middle of Japan: